Telling a Tale (a Poem)

Speaking stories sweet and smart
Telling a tale to the heart
Starting good but going sour
Sin personified: a city and tower
Truth culminates: a suffering hour
Foretold long ago, right at the start ...
When dew of creation fresh and new
God hovered in Spirit, ready to do
Painting plot and stage which set the scene
Each of our stories sounds a similar ring –
Harmonies to Melody, so angels sing
Weaving one great story – tapestry of a King
This tale of struggle and triumph rings true
Descending down from high above
Walking with mankind: Immaculate Love
Making a covenant each has a part
No man will keep with half his heart
For sin is crouching from the start –
To wreck new life: “olive leaf and Dove”
But our tale is failure of this man
Calculating and cool, pursuing their plan
Ascending the heavens God will not allow
Desiring freedom from Love’s great law
Lies and deception, a stale smell
The situation grave, a deep well
Repercussions endless, black as hell
To steal the show, they think they can
Descending again a theme secure
God comes in day to walk once more
To find man cowering in a corner
Naked, ashamed, demanding cover
From sure wrath to come – a Vengeful Lover!
The Curse is fixed, horror a locked door
But when God descends into our place
Mercy comes to a miserable race
For the tale of failure of mankind
Has a twist to boggle the greatest mind
Promises unconditional, of Glorifying Kind
For the King of all Glory will now give chase
A Seed will come to feed the sheep
And crush the skull of the snake
The promise as garments of a ram
That covered the woman and the man
From the wrath of God and of the Lamb
The promises of God not slow to keep
When temptation comes to act in sin
Remember the promise and that God will win
It is the promise itself that is our life!
Not striving or seeking, willing or strife
The power of God: Bridegroom and wife
To keep us from slipping in pit deep and grim
The rest of the story, Scriptures will say
Must be read in a similar way
Morals and lessons and 10 steps are good
But they’re not the point, if we only understood
It is Christ Himself! ... So if we would
See the beginning as the rest of the Play.
By Douglas Van Dorn
February 1999