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Douglas Van Dorn

My Website went down in mid Sept. I'm back up and running,

but also rebuilding. Better. Stronger. Faster. 

I'm Doug Van Dorn


I'm a Christian, husband, father, son, brother, in-law, pastor, friend, fifth generation native Coloradan, published author, blogger, podcaster, radio host, CEO, mountain climber, biker, scholar, theologian, thinker, teacher, Fellow at the Institute for Biblical Anthropology, entrepreneur, amateur archeologist, conservative, lover of all things strange and supernatural, conspiracy theorist (umm, I mean someone who thinks and questions what's going on around him, don't you?) and, can one ever exhaust a list like this?

Have fun looking around. 


Author, Pastor, Podcaster

Though there's much more to my site, these are the three main places you will probably want to go.

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I'm an author and publisher. Here you can see all the books I'm written or edited. 


I've pastored the Reformed Baptist Church for more than 20 years. We have a wealth of sermons and other helpful material all free, so please feel free to check us out. 

Besides having appeared on dozens of podcasts and radio shows, I've recently started my own: The Giant Steps Podcast. You can check them all out here.

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Giants: Sons of the Gods

Audio Book: Read by Stephen Van Dorn

Released May 21, 2024

Listen over at the canon+ app

Rings of Revelation

The Newest Books -- June 2024

Click play for a promo video

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Click the book for a link to BOTH books

Resources and Fun Stuff

Other stuff you'll find interesting

Serpent Mound of Bashan

The Serpent Mound Discovery

Og Blog
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My Podcast

Giant Steps Podcast

The Giant Steps Podcast

We launched in October, 2023. 

  • Youtube
  • Spotify
  • Amazon Music
  • Google Podcasts
  • Player FM Podcast
  • Podcast Addict
  • Deezer Podcasts
  • Radio Public Podcast
  • iHeart Radio Podcast
  • Pandora Podcast

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