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Rider on the Storm

Doug Van Dorn

Sept 3, 2010

Rider on the Storm

Rider on the Storm

Tempest is Born

Four Winds Stir up Foam

Great Beasts Come up in Four

Leviathan does Roar

Rider on the Storm

The Ancient of Days

Wooly White Luminescent Rays

A Chariot of Flame

River Belial Searing Same

Seraphim now Shine

And Worship the Divine

The Ancient of Days

Judgment is Meet

The Divine Council Takes its Seat

Books are Opened Up

Watchers Quickly Hushed

Thousands Draw Near

Ten Thousand Wait in Fear

Judgment is Meet

Rider on the Storm

Kill His Foe with Horns

Presented to the Throne

The Son of Man Enthroned

Dominion Given Now

Rahab Fallen Bows

Rider on the Storm In honor Jim Morrison, who threw open the doors and lost his way. If only he understood Daniel and the God who rides the storm.

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29 mai 2024

He embraced chaos as his inspiration and followed that to his doom. Chaos is seductive as a path because no one can blame another since there is no one path. It is all a malestrom that is self defined and therefore free and open only to personal particular interpretation.


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I'm a Christian, husband, father, son, brother, in-law, pastor, friend, fifth gen native Coloradan, published author, blogger, podcaster, radio host, CEO, mountain climber, biker, scholar, theologian, thinker, entrepreneur, amateur archeologist, conservative, lover of all things strange and supernatural, conspiracy theorist (yeah, that's not a bad thing), and ...

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